Gainesville Veterinary Hospital

Pet Pain Management

At Gainesville Veterinary Hospital, we take pain management for your pet very seriously and are always looking for new and better tools that will allow us to provide veterinary treatments that are less painful for your pet.

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cute dog sleeping

Pain Management & Control

We know the issue of pain management is of great concern to pet owners today. As in human medicine, we have a variety of medications available to manage your pet’s pain both before and after surgery and in the event of trauma. We would be pleased to discuss the options available to you and your pet under any of the above circumstances.

Laser Therapy

A range of illnesses can be treated with veterinary laser therapy, which is non-invasive, painless, drug- and surgery-free. It can also be used in conjunction with other therapies. Your pet can benefit greatly from laser treatments for acute pain management and arthritis. By activating the lymphatic drainage system and lowering inflammation through vasodilation (blood vessels opening), laser therapy helps to relieve pain and drain swollen areas.